marriage is a covenant

between a husband & wife and God.

Getting Married

Many couples spend weeks, months and even years planning for their wedding day and honeymoon (as well as thousands of dollars).

Unfortunately,there is not a lot of time planning for their marriage! An engaged couple usually receives only one or two hours of premarital counselling with a pastor or counsellor.

NAME Canada has one of the BEST programs available called:

-It is 6 weeks of intense studies backed by homework and review sessions with a NAME Canada marriage counsellor (6 sessions).  

Enjoying Marriage

Marriage is the union of one man and one woman wholly committed to their covenant with and before God. A happy, fulfilling marriage is when both individuals understand this and continue to seek out ways to add to their relationship.

Couples need to know that marriage is a Covenant and not a Contract. It is not a business relationship but a spiritual relationship between God, husband and wife.

Staying Married

Over the past 30 years, more than one quarter of a million marriages have been strengthened and saved through NAME INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. 

NAME Canada is proud to be a part of this.

Marital Problems ?

Are you looking for answers that work for your marriage and family?

NAME Canada provides free Counsel
Call 780-438-2526
Ask for a NAME Centre near you. 
We have over 40 Centres across Canada. 
Read More 

How to get help now!

Your life, your marriage and your children are suffering and you want to find a counsellor. For many people, this task is daunting. NAME Canada will come alongside couples- young and old, and help them get through these difficult times.

If God is not the centre of your marriage, He is not the centre of your family.

Unhappy parents raise unhappy children. Remember: a couple that have Christ in the centre of their relationship will have Christ as the centre of their families.

Get help today by callingNAME Canada at 780-438-2526 and set up an appointment with one of our NAME Centre Couple Workers.

More Information 

Vision, inspiration and passion

ullam mauris nibh, pellentesque quis tincidunt eu, tincidunt sed nulla, sit amet tristique elit finibus.

Wedding and event planner

Vivamus vestibulum pharetra felis, vel bibendum tellus pretium ac. Sed gravida nec nisi ut dignissim.

True love infinity

Vivamus vestibulum pharetra felis, vel bibendum tellus pretium ac. Sed gravida nec nisi ut dignissim.

Moments of true love

Maecenas magna lectus, finibus sed fermentum et, fringilla ac ex curabitur quis nulla purus.

Exclusive weddings and events

Maecenas magna lectus, finibus sed fermentum et, fringilla ac ex curabitur quis nulla purus.

Wedding and event planner

Vivamus vestibulum pharetra felis, vel bibendum tellus pretium ac. Sed gravida nec nisi ut dignissim.

Vision, inspiration and passion

ullam mauris nibh, pellentesque quis tincidunt eu, tincidunt sed nulla, sit amet tristique elit finibus.

Design your special day

Curabitur vulputate consectetur augue non molestie. Vestibulum scelerisque lorem at libero.

Sample Headline

Sample text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit nullam nunc justo sagittis suscipit ultrices.

Sample Headline

Sample text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit nullam nunc justo sagittis suscipit ultrices.

Book your wonderful wedding

Nulla imperdiet odio sit amet est vehicula condimentum congue dui nec ipsum ullamcorper tristique.

Elegant and clean wedding

Phasellus scelerisque sed leo quis gravida. Fusce lobortis libero ut arcu blandit pharetra.

Wedding dreams come true

Sed rhoncus egestas felis, sit amet condimentum sem ultricies at malesuada, tortor sit amet.

Expecting the great wedding

Donec mattis tincidunt sodales integer efficitur nulla sit amet scelerisque vestibulum.

Your Wedding Planning

Phasellus scelerisque sed leo quis gravida. Fusce lobortis libero ut arcu blandit pharetra.

Sample Headline

Sample text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit nullam nunc justo sagittis suscipit ultrices.

Sample Headline

Sample text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit nullam nunc justo sagittis suscipit ultrices.

Sample Headline

Sample text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit nullam nunc justo sagittis suscipit ultrices.

Sample Headline

Sample text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit nullam nunc justo sagittis suscipit ultrices.